All right so the rest of the slides in the front end development section are basically just trending and becoming more popular however i wouldn’t focus on these until you get up to the point where you’re comfortable with a front-end framework and the big big reason for that is a lot of the stuff that we’re going to look at they’re part of the of specific framework ecosystems so first we have server side rendering where you build a normal react or view app it’s a it’s a it’s a single page application right it runs on the client your browser loads a javascript bundle and everything happens in the browser however it’s possible to use react view angular or even svelte on the server side by using one of these these ssr frameworks these server side rendering frameworks now there’s some advantages to using these one of the biggest is seo when you build a single page application with let’s say create react app by default if you go and you look at the source code in your browser you’re not going to see much you’re going to see the javascript files that load your application this isn’t good for seo because web crawlers can’t see your content now there’s other ways around this but using an ssr framework does it by default it also makes routing easier because you simply name a file you put it in a specific directory and it loads that file in the browser when you go to that url and it can also boost performance as far as which one you choose it’s most likely based on your framework of choice so for react you have next js for vue you have next js which is basically next for vue angular universal for angular and then sapper for felt which i’ve actually never used again you want to learn the framework first and kind of master that and then look into things like server-side rendering. Learn web development. or higher The Digital IO.