The SQL programming language is used in the retail, health, banking, education, telecommunications, and even defense sectors. Developed in the 1970s, it spread rapidly and is now the most widely used language in database industries . Therefore, learning the SQL programming language will open the doors to great job opportunities.

What is the SQL language?

The Structured Query Language (SQL) is a management language for managing information in relational databases . This type of programming language allows you to communicate with the database and perform operations to access and manipulate the stored information.

The SQL programming language not only allows you to perform data selection, insertion, update and deletion operations, but also administrative operations on databases. Therefore, it is a complete database language that goes beyond information retrieval .

SQL is used to control all the functions that a database management system provides to its users, as well as providing a framework for creating the database itself, managing its security, updating its contents, retrieving data, and sharing it among different users. .

In fact, most relational database management systems use the SQL programming language to interact with the database . Oracle is one of the most well-known and used database management tools, but there are also Microsoft SQL, MySQL and Access, among others.

What are the main features of the SQL programming language?

Designed to manage and retrieve information from relational database management systems, the SQL programming language is characterized by the use of algebra and relational calculus to perform queries . However, what has made it popular and consolidated is:

  • standardized language. Standardized in 1986, the SQL programming language allows you to deploy implementations of it on different systems, using practically the same code for all of them. For example, Oracle’s SQL language is not identical to that of Microsoft SQL Server, but the differences are minimal, a great advantage because the commands to create the database structure or manipulate the information share the same form.
  • Data integrity. SQL has the function of preserving the integrity of the data, making sure that it is valid, correct and complete. It also protects the database from corruption caused by system crashes or inconsistent updates.
  • Flexibility. One of the main reasons for the success of the SQL programming language is its flexibility. It is a very versatile language when it comes to implementing solutions and allows defining different ways of viewing data to meet the specific demands of users.
  • Simplicity and clarity. SQL is a unified, clear and easy to understand language. Its structure includes a high level of English, so that SQL statements are easy to understand and learn.

Currently, an expert in SQL programming is key for all companies that have databases . In fact, professionals such as analysts, data scientists and engineers should master this language perfectly, as well as back-end or mobile application developers since these projects are also often powered by SQL.

With our University Course in SQL you will be able to specialize in this programming language . Thanks to this online SQL programming course you can learn to design and build relational databases at your own pace.