Now another really popular trend right now is static site generators which have actually been around for a while but they’ve become much more powerful in the past couple years instead of generating your site  ages in real time they’re generated at build time meaning that there’s no generation of html or calls to a database it’s it just responds with the file itself this makes your website very fast and easy to host you can actually host your site on a cdn which is a content delivery network where your files can be replicated around the world and it’s it’s really really fast now when we say static  ite it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t have dynamic functionality or work with data for instance gatsby which is react based can use react components and you can have just as a dynamic of a user interface as if you just used react on its own it also includes graphql which we’ll talk about later and you can use multiple content sources for let’s say a blog you could use  imple markdown files or you could even use something called a headless cms which i’ll also look at in the next slide for your data um so if you’re familiar with react i’d suggest Gatsby gridsome is uh vue.js based 11t is something i haven’t worked with yet but looks really cool we’re actually gonna have a guest on the channel soon that’s gonna he’s gonna build a a small business website with it jekyll and hugo have been around for a long time jekyll is ruby based and hugo is golang based uh however you don’t need to know these languages to use the site generators  nd you have other languages like php has static site generators there’s there’s a whole bunch of other ones as well. Learn web development. or higher The Digital IO.