Taking care of our teeth and gums is vital to protect our health, well-being and quality of life. Having healthy teeth facilitates such important functions as chewing, swallowing and speaking. In addition, a beautiful smile builds our self-esteem and strengthens our self-confidence.

However, sometimes it is not enough to worry about our good oral hygiene or visit the dentist regularly, our teeth can be damaged by multiple causes . Cavities are the most common problem, but we can also suffer breaks due to trauma, experience dental wear or suffer from developmental alterations. In these cases, conservative and restorative dentistry comes into play.

Conservative dentistry, by definition, includes all those treatments that are used to preserve natural teeth and prevent their extraction , even if they are damaged. Basically, its main objective is to heal and “restore” the damaged hard tissues of the piece to restore its normal anatomy, restore its function and improve dental aesthetics.


In conservative and restorative dentistry, different treatments are applied, depending on the degree of damage to the tooth:

  • Composite restorations. Through this treatment, the dental tissue that has been lost is replaced by cleaning the dental cavity and filling it with composite, a type of special resin that looks like tooth enamel.
  • Composite veneers. Composite veneers are placed on top of the tooth, generally in the broken or very worn parts, avoiding having to carve them. It is a less invasive and more painless treatment than crowns, providing a similar appearance to natural teeth.
  • Dental inlays. This treatment is used when there is moderate tooth loss, generally in posterior teeth that are more difficult to restore with composite. It is a more conservative option than crowns because it is not necessary to carve the piece and materials such as composite or ceramic can be used.
  • Porcelain crowns. Also known as porcelain caps, it is a fixed prosthesis that is placed on the outside of the tooth when it is very deteriorated or has significant wear. Made with resins, ceramic or zirconia, they are cemented on top of the tooth, maintaining its root, to improve its shape and function.


Conservative and restorative dentistry is part of Dentistry , so these treatments must be performed by a professional who has completed a university degree in Dentistry or Stomatology.

In fact, until 1987, in Spain, stomatologists were the only professionals legally authorized to treat patients in a dental office and perform this type of treatment. These professionals had to study medicine and then specialize in oral health care.

However, in 1986 the first five-year studies in Dentistry were created, so that at present to study Dentistry it is no longer necessary to study Medicine .

Although the dentist or stomatologist is the professional who performs conservative and restorative dentistry, they do not usually do the treatment alone. It usually has the help of clinical assistants and / or the intervention of dental technicians and hygienists, professionals who play a supportive role in treatment.

If you are interested in professional oral hygiene opportunities and would like to work in this sector, take a look at our Remote Oral Hygiene Superior Technician . When you graduate, you will be able to work in the public or private health sector, in the area of ??health care and health promotion or be part of oral health and primary care teams in health promotion units and in consultations or cabinets private dental.