Learn math through soccer. That is the objective of ‘haz Explain’. Transfer mathematical concepts, in a didactic and fun way, to children and young people through one of the games preferred by the little ones: soccer.

Through fun videos, ‘Shaz Explains’ solves all those ‘frequent doubts’ that children between 7 and 14 years old consult on the internet, such as what the number Pi is, how the Pythagorean Theorem is developed, what is the golden ratio or how to make first degree equations.

Math is very important to our daily lives and, of course, also for football. Not only to know the number of goals scored by each player or the rankings. Preparing a football game becomes a mathematical question in which the most frequent plays, the number of passes, or the percentages of possession are studied. There are even math programs geared toward coaches. ‘S’haz Explains’ uses football to solve the mathematical doubts of the little ones by creating attractive videos for children.

Aware that the internet is one of the tools most used today, both for leisure and for study, ‘Shaz Explains’ has created a creative and visual educational proposal to learn to use new technologies not only in leisure but as an educational tool.

Our body and the Fibonacci sequence

Did you know that the human body is very similar to a perfectly constructed building? Or that the Fibonacci sequence is present not only in the human body but also in nature as well as in painting? The Fibonacci sequence or sequence is an infinite mathematical sequence consisting of a series of natural numbers obtained from 0 and 1 and in which each term is the sum of the previous two. If any number in the Fibonacci sequence is divided by the previous one, the result will always be a number very similar to the one called Phi.

Well, the human body follows that golden ratio (like the structure of many flowers, for example). Discover more interesting facts about the golden ratio in this video:

Statistics of matches and combinations

Combined operations allow you to explain the statistics of the matches: number of saves, number of goals, number of points scored throughout the league, or even find out the statistics of the opposing teams. In this video, ‘Shaz explains’ gives the keys to finding out all the data that is needed to know the number of goals needed in each game to be in the top positions of the leaderboard.

Soccer teams and divisions by double figures

Another of the frequently asked questions of the smallest on the internet is how to divide by two figures. Something that seems like a simple operation to an adult can be a real headache for a child. How to distribute 110 children’s players until completing the necessary teams to play a league? We accept the challenge!

First degree equations and equipment

First-degree equations help solve everyday problems. As an example, we will use this type of mathematical operation to calculate the price of some footballs knowing the total money spent in a store as well as the price of the shirts that were also bought together with them. In addition, ‘Shaz explains’ offers several tricks to make these operations easier.

With these videos, the little ones will discover that learning mathematics is simple and, in addition, it can become a game. ‘Shaz explains’ aims to transfer basic mathematical operations in the simplest way, highlighting their importance on a day-to-day basis.

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