All right so as you step up your developer game you’re probably going to learn some devops and some other you know deployment strategies and learning about hostingĀ  latforms hosting a full stack app or an api is a bit more difficult than a front-end app or static website you need to deal with servers configuration file storage databases and more as far as platforms personally i like to use heroku for smaller apps especially personal projects or projects that i do for courses and tutorials and then i use digitalocean for larger apps that i plan to scale digitalocean is a cloud hosting company and if it gives you full control over everything down to you know what operating system you want to install and this takes a lot more knowledge than using something like heroku which is uh called it’s basically a platform as a service and many things are already set up for you it’s just there for you to use where digitalocean you get pretty much just an empty computer an empty empty operating system and you install nginx or whatever you want to use onto it so aws is a very popular option for large scale projects it’s used a lot in the big business world however i just think it’s too it’s it’s over complicated and it’s overkill for anything that I personally would build so i don’t use aws all that much i use you know s3 buckets from time to time um but that’s about it i definitely don’t have a lot of experience hosting uh using it for hosting azure is another big platform that is is popular in business especially in the you know the microsoft world but i’ve actually never used it now you’ll need some kind of web server to serve your back-end code nginx and apache are really popular i’d suggest nginx it’s easier to configure in my opinion it works well with node.js which is what i specialize in works well with php and if you use some kind of platform as a service like heroku you probably won’t have to do much configuration though so it’s going to depend on where you’re working and what you’re doing as to how much of this type of stuff you’re going to need to know so containers are something you may want to get into if you’re going to be doing devops you’ll definitely want to learn docker which gives you a way to run your applications in a virtualized environment called a container this is useful for teams so your application runs in the same environment regardless of which physical machine it’s on because we all know if you build a an application you run it on different machines different operating systems it can behave in you know different ways so docker prevents that from happening you can install specific pieces of software in a container such as an apache server a postgres database basically whatever you want kubernetes is often used with docker which is a system for automating the management of containers i don’t have much experience in it but it is extremely popular in the devops world so for image and video hosting you can use a local method use your local hosting or you can choose to upload to something like cloudenary or amazon s3 i like cloudinary it has all types of you know media apis and you can manipulate images and optimize your media so continuous integration and continuous deployment is also something you’ll need if you go into devops jenkins and travis ci are pretty popular when it comes to automating and facilitating continuous integration testing and deployment as a web developer you might most likely won’t have to you know even come close to mastering these technologies it’s more on the devops side of things but it’s good just to get your feet wet in some of this stuff. Learn web development. or higher The Digital IO.