Dear reader,

In this first edition of our Wake up! In 2011, we can say that the global economic evolution, although with certain uncertainties, opens a door to optimism, which will be accompanied by moderate growth in Spain. In this sense, in 2010 non-life premiums have increased by 0.22%, a figure that contrasts with the fall of 2.5% that occurred in 2009 and although the data on non-life premiums has experienced a slight decrease, the assets under management increased by 1.88%.

In this tone of slight optimism that accompanies us at the time of writing these lines, we invite you to share the content of the third edition of our newsletter.

In this third edition of Wake up! We have decided to delve into how to guide the activity of insurers towards the customer, a topic that despite its great relevance, is not usually treated in depth due to the organizational and cultural change that its implementation requires. In this sense, we recommend you read the article “Orienting the company towards the client”, included in our section of The Alarm Clock.

In addition, in the Shower section you can read the success story of Generali Spain, from the hand of its CEO Jaime Anchústegui. Last year, the entity successfully completed the process of merging Vitalicio and Estrella, having launched a powerful campaign to promote the new brand in order to obtain widespread and rapid recognition. The insurance lion bases its growth on more than 175 years at the service of the consumer, to whom, with the integration, they will offer a single brand –European leader– and a single voice.

In the Agenda section we recommend several events that may be of interest to you, such as the Insurance Week organized by INESE, the 46th Study Conference for Directors of the Insurance Sector organized by ICEA and lastly, the 3rd CEA International Insurance Conference, which will take place next June in Athens.