Insurers face the 2010 financial year with the challenge of counteracting the strength acquired in the marketing of insurance by the banking sector and retaining their best customers, especially those less sensitive to price as a purchase argument. This is one of the main conclusions of a study carried out by Cognodata, a pioneer consulting firm in the Spanish market in Customer Strategy, which analyzes the customer orientation of 39 insurers operating in Spain.

The main conclusions of the report point to:

  • A greater commitment to customer management, a strategy that 76% of insurers are willing to undertake, changing their traditional product focus for a customer focus.
  • A 30% increase in targeted campaigns.
  • An increase in the use of direct channels and bancassurance.
  • Tendency to seek maximum profitability in commercial actions: contact costs are reduced and control of results increases.
  • Professionals specializing in advanced customer management, which have doubled in the last three years, will also grow by 30% in the next three.